Wednesday, May 14, 2014


IT'S THE LEGENDARY POKEMON OF THE IMPORTANT QUARTET! THE FOURTH BROTHER OF SM'O! IT IS SYNE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONCE AGAIN, SYNE IS NOT A REAL POKEMON, I CAME UP WITH HIM. (SAME WITH THE OTHER THREE). Anyways... Syne here is the smoothness Pokemon. Without him, our earliest ancestors, (the dinosaurs) wouldn't be here. He has the ability to change the season from summer to fall with his fall song, and his ability to start the night with his star song. He is the youngest brother of Sm'o. The other two are Strane and Sain. Sm'o came  first, Strane came second, Sain came third, and Syne came fourth. Sm'o was the first thing on this earth. Created by a falling piece of planet ??? from a different galaxy. The same thing happened with the other three. Syne now wanders the world in search of clean places. (Who knows why) and is the hardest to find out of all legendary Pokemon. keep checking my site every day to see new things! Have a good thankseastur!          

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