Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The new league of Pokemon has arrived.

Say hello to the new Pokemon league! The card you see above is called Sadun. He is one of the Pokemon that represents it. The other one is named Clairon, and unlike Sadun, he is the protecting Pokemon, while Sadun is the Take On Pokemon. Other pokemon in this league, (and by the way, the league is called Yellow Sun, And Cloud of White), are the Fighting type Pokemon, Charishono, who's shaped a heart, but has none, the Psychic type, Caper, who is a bunny-like fish with little gems on it's hands, Dreamall, the Psychic type, (I already made a post about him), Slove, the Psychic type, (same thing... Never mind! You read the other posts!), Blueboo, (same thing), and Foxcario. (Once again, same deal). Clairon's eyes are NOT made of gems, but they ARE made of hearts, and he also wears two cloud wristbands that give him cloud powers. Sadun ALSO has weather powers. He can create heat strokes, as you saw on the card above, but he can't make anything else.
Goodbye, my dear friends, goodbye. (And HAPPY THANKS-EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!)!!!! 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

How to catch the smallest pokemon in the world

So, say you're walking down a path in the woods, and then, suddenly, a small blue dot appears to be crossing said path, and you don't know what it is, it's probably just the harmless Blueboo. But if you are a pokemon trainer and you want to capture it, I should tell you that doing this is not easy, considering the fact that Blueboo is the smallest pokemon in the world. Another thing is that he is the fastest pokemon in the word. I'll give you some tips for catching a Blueboo. (Like I said in my first two posts, he is not real). Tip no. 1: Put out a couple of pretzels to lure it in. Tip no. 2: While it is eating those pretzels, grab your pokeball and sneak up on it. Tip no. 3: It will notice you, of course. That little guy can hear a grain of sand fall from 50 miles away. So merely use the pokemon in your pokeball you grabbed. It doesn't matter what pokemon it is as long as you say these 3 attacks. Agility, sand attack, and kick. You are guaranteed to defeat it and capture it. Sorrty, but that's all I can say for today. (Heh, that rhymed.) See ya later, guys. Oh, and 


Monday, August 25, 2014


WELCOME again!
You should sleep well tonight! Dreamall shall calm you! That's right, folks! We're viewing the legendary dream cloud Pokemon right now! He is know'n to help people sleep! Even insomniacs! And even though I'm a Pokemon master, I haven't caught one yet! It controls sleep with it's pink bubbles! Occasionally, he'l accidentally send an orange bubble down. As you probably guessed, they contain bad dreams. Those weaken him. It's best to put him against Tornadus, because as you saw on the card above, Dreamall is resistant to flying types! That is all I can say for today!         HAPPY THANKSEASTUR!!!!!!!!!!@!!!!!!!   

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Today we will view the legendary Pokemon, Foxcario! It was discovered on the island of prince Edward, and was thought of as a mountain lion. This Pokemon scares away lost tourists when it feels they are in danger. one of it's siblings is the legendary Pokemon, Slove, the love aurora Pokemon. But that's another story. HAPPY THANKSEASTUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

EX time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome back! Today we will view a Pokemon EX card! As you all know, Ex cards are much more rare then normal cards. (and  if you knock one out in a battle, you take 2 prize cards.) They are more powerful and they have more health! The border is always different then a normal card border. ( and it looks much cooler!) The Pokemon we will be viewing today is more rare then any other legendary. His name is SLOVE!!!!!!! He is the love aurora Pokemon! He can only be found on the island of prince Edward. ( or p.e.i, for short!) As you can notice, he is in the shape of a glove. This comes from his very odd name, Slove...it is basically a glove-love, as you can call it. It is always happy, no matter what happens. It always has this cute little smile on its face. That is all we can do today. Sorry, but that's all you need to know about him! 

HAPPY THANKSEASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


IT'S THE LEGENDARY POKEMON OF THE IMPORTANT QUARTET! THE FOURTH BROTHER OF SM'O! IT IS SYNE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONCE AGAIN, SYNE IS NOT A REAL POKEMON, I CAME UP WITH HIM. (SAME WITH THE OTHER THREE). Anyways... Syne here is the smoothness Pokemon. Without him, our earliest ancestors, (the dinosaurs) wouldn't be here. He has the ability to change the season from summer to fall with his fall song, and his ability to start the night with his star song. He is the youngest brother of Sm'o. The other two are Strane and Sain. Sm'o came  first, Strane came second, Sain came third, and Syne came fourth. Sm'o was the first thing on this earth. Created by a falling piece of planet ??? from a different galaxy. The same thing happened with the other three. Syne now wanders the world in search of clean places. (Who knows why) and is the hardest to find out of all legendary Pokemon. keep checking my site every day to see new things! Have a good thankseastur!          

Monday, May 12, 2014


This is the Pokemaster!! Here to start you off with your browse of my site is my first fully drawn and colored pokemon card, POWEON! He is not real, he is just a fighting type who evolves from the evolution pokemon eevee! they didn't have a eevee evolution that was fighting type, so I made one! Anyways... Every time I post something I will also include a picture of a pokemon! I hope you enjoy my new site, and have a good day