Wednesday, September 24, 2014

How to catch the smallest pokemon in the world

So, say you're walking down a path in the woods, and then, suddenly, a small blue dot appears to be crossing said path, and you don't know what it is, it's probably just the harmless Blueboo. But if you are a pokemon trainer and you want to capture it, I should tell you that doing this is not easy, considering the fact that Blueboo is the smallest pokemon in the world. Another thing is that he is the fastest pokemon in the word. I'll give you some tips for catching a Blueboo. (Like I said in my first two posts, he is not real). Tip no. 1: Put out a couple of pretzels to lure it in. Tip no. 2: While it is eating those pretzels, grab your pokeball and sneak up on it. Tip no. 3: It will notice you, of course. That little guy can hear a grain of sand fall from 50 miles away. So merely use the pokemon in your pokeball you grabbed. It doesn't matter what pokemon it is as long as you say these 3 attacks. Agility, sand attack, and kick. You are guaranteed to defeat it and capture it. Sorrty, but that's all I can say for today. (Heh, that rhymed.) See ya later, guys. Oh, and